Lina Liu
Credentials: B.S.
Website: Lina Liu's website
Phone: 2022
I would like to thank Dr. Frank Rooney for the consistent encouragement he has provided over the past four years. I would also like to thank my undergraduate thesis advisor, Dr. Jose I. Rodriguez, being so generous and patience with me, and helping me grow as a mathematician.
2022: Incoming math PhD student at Minnesota, Twin Cities
I am a Ronald E. McNair alumna. The McNair program prepares marginalized students who want to get a higher terminal degree. I am an Honorable Mention for the 2022 Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship.
2023 update:
Starting Fall 2023, I will be a second year Math PhD student at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
What do you do? Do you use math in your position?
As a graduate student, I am a teaching assistant while taking courses. I am also doing a reading course with Dr. Erkao Bao. For more info on what I do, free free to check out my website!
Have you received any awards or made any recent accomplishments you’d like to share? This can include promotions, new jobs, and memberships to boards and organizations.
In Summer 2022, I participated in the Summer EDGE program. EDGE stands for Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education and it helps women prepare for their PhD program. I am grateful to be named the 2022 AMS EDGE Scholar! For more information about EDGE: